Country Hill Attorneys & Solicitors, Esther Adeleke Street, Lagos
Connect with one of the top law firms in Nigeria: Country Hill Attorneys & Solicitors is a full-service law firm comprising of professionals with diverse expertise and proven track records of offering a wide range of tailor-made legal services which are specifically suited for Nigeria’s business climate.
With offices in Nigeria’s commercial nerve centres of Lagos and Abuja, the firm continually ensures the provision of world class legal services to a number of key determinants of the economic progression of the West African sub-region: Has been rated as one of the Top law firms in Nigeria.
At Country Hill Attorneys & Solicitors, it is our core value that excellent and qualitative service delivery is a race without a finish line.
As part of our quality assurance ethos, we ensure that our legal services are top notch, commercially viable and designed to guaranty client satisfaction with necessary buffers to shield clients from exposure to risks.