What Sayeth the Supreme Court on Pre-Election Matters.
What Sayeth the Supreme Court on Pre-Election Matters.
What Sayeth the Supreme Court on Pre-Election Matters.
What Sayeth the Supreme Court on Labour and Employment matters is our latest publication . It is in two volumes and covers the important decisions of the Supreme Court on Labour and Employment matters from 1965 .
“WHAT SAYETH THE SUPREME COURT”- (CASE LAW SERIES VOL 5, Pt. I) On Technicalities and Justice (An authoritative quick reference guide to Pronouncements of the Supreme Court on Technicalities and Justice)
This easy to read guide is an attempt to bring into focus, by way of a quick reference guide, the several pronouncements of the Supreme Court of Nigeria on Technicalities and Justice. Adherence to Technicalities in the dispensation of Justice has on occasions, wrecked havoc on balanced Justice Delivery.
What Sayeth the Supreme Court on Pre-Election Matters.
What Sayeth the Supreme Court on Locus Standi.
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